Sunday, April 10, 2011

Garden work

This weekend greeted us with beautiful weather. We are expecting severe thunderstorms tonight but all day Saturday was gorgeous and so far this morning it has been sunny, warm, and wonderfully spring like. So that means it is the perfect time for some garden work!

My flame orange/red garden shoes on their cedar spike rests.

Our vegetable garden is a 4 foot by 8 foot raised bed. From that relatively small space we harvest a huge array of fresh produce in summer. Our fresh herbs have been living alone in another part of the yard in pots for years and years. But they will no longer feel alone and separated in their pots. They called for their freedom from tiny pots and we listened!
A 4 foot by 4 foot raised garden bed eagerly awaiting herbs.

Because we love our raised vegetable bed, we now built a 4 foot by 4 foot raised bed for our herbs. Our basil, cilantro, parsley, sage, thyme, rosemary, tarragon, dill, and chives will find a new home this spring in their own happy raised bed. Sadly, the mint stands alone. It will remain in a pot so it does not spread and take over the whole raised bed. Poor sad mint :-(


  1. We are actually planning on giving them small salads as treats whenever we make a large one for ourselves this summer. We just have to bring it out to them before we add any dressing :-)
